Blood Mary Shrimp-XL

Nome:Blood Mary Shrimp-XL

English scientific name: Neocaridina denticulata var.

  • Common name : Flame shrimp, Rose shrimp, Extremely spicy shrimp, Grilled lacquer shrimp, Golden shrimp, Golden-back golden shrimp, Xiangjishi shrimp, Golden-back emperor shrimp, Blue velvet shrimp, Jelly shrimp, Bloody Mary, Glass shrimp, Black gold steel shrimp.
  • Scientific name : Neocaridina
  • Category : Animalia/Malacostraca/Decapoda/Pleocyemata/Atyoidea/Neocaridina/red var
  • Feature : Morphological characteristics: Cultivated from black tiger shrimp. The females have a darker color and a rounder abdomen to facilitate egg-carrying, while the adults of males are larger.
  • Maximum body length : 2~3cm.
  • Reproductive cycle : Hatching takes 18-25 days at a temperature of 24-26 degrees Celsius, and mating occurs after each molt when the condition is good.
  • Geographical distribution: Taiwan.
  • Breeding water quality : PH:6.0~7.5 KH:3~12 GH:3~12
  • Temperature : 18~28°C
  • Diet : Omnivorous.

Male and female discrimination:

Male shrimp difference: The abdomen of the male shrimp is relatively slender and its body is smaller than the female shrimp. The male shrimp has a special swelling phenomenon in its first abdominal appendage.

Female shrimp have darker color and a rounder abdomen to facilitate egg-carrying, and they are larger than male shrimp. Their color becomes even darker when they are carrying eggs.

To distinguish between male and female shrimp, you can look at the head. Non-ovulating female shrimp have yellow glandular organs near the head, which are mainly composed of protein and fat. Male shrimp do not have these organs.

Breeding habits:

Breeding habits: It is best to have shady areas with aquatic plants, such as moss and felt, for breeding freshwater shrimp. Male shrimp will come to these areas at night, while female shrimp will wait here for male shrimp to surround and mate.